
A Comprehensive AML Training Conduction

Recently, our team had the privilege of conducting a comprehensive AML training, elevating our clients’ understanding of these complex, intellectually stimulating principles. A business’s defenses against financial crime begin from within, extending all the way to the regulatory bodies governing us through many regulations. We at Conformity Compliance Solutions (CCS)…
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UAE continues to focus on DNFBPs and inspection committees aggressively

UAE continues to focus on #DNFBPs and inspection committees aggressively conducting #reviews and imposing #enforcement action. #AML/CFT compliance is a technical challenge for this segment and MOE has done a great job in conducting regular training sessions for the private sector. It’s high time DNFBPs including #realestatebrokerage and #preciousmetals traders take this seriously and get professional help to align business models…
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The leadership and the growth model of UAE

Inspiration can be taken from anywhere. Lessons are all around us to enrich our experience and to guide us how to shape up our individual careers and how to navigate our companies in good times or in choppy weather. One of these inspirations or lessons can be taken from the…
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Proud to be associated with Taqwa Invest

Taqwa Invest…. An amazing new tech platform in the launch stage developed by the dynamic duo Dr. Areeba and Dr. Farah both Ph.D. in Islamic Finance. Proud to be associated with the team making a big mark in the Islamic Investment area. Amazing investor’s interest and global recognition by top…
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There are NO limits or boundaries to knowledge 

It’s always delightful to acquire a new skill and to gain insight into a new area whether it’s related or unrelated to our profession. Compliance is a complex and intellectually stimulating science and its deep-rooted understanding gives us the power to achieve intellectual and spiritual strength to conquer the business…
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Compliance Professional Trainings

Training and development are essential ingredients for every company’s success. We are pleased to engage with our new client’s front-line team on the ground and provided them with an interactive compliance training workshop. They enhance employee performance, boost employee productivity, reduce turnover, and improve company culture. Compliance is a complex…
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